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  • Writer's pictureTony McGehee

New Year, New Nothing.

We're now 2 weeks into 2019. Many of you, like me, have set some big goals for yourself this year. And you were SO ready to crush them when you brought out the new calendar.

But it's only been 2 weeks and you've already started to slack. You're slowly falling back into the habits that you were comfortable with before. Here we go AGAIN.

No, no, no. Not this time. You can do it. What if I told you just thinking about different things could help you be more successful in achieving your goals? Let me explain.

We as humans have on average about 75,000 thoughts per day! Most of them your subconscious mind takes care of, imagine having to actively think 75,000 times per day. Yikes.

What's even crazier is that 91% of these thoughts are the same from the previous day. That means that only 9% of your thoughts each day are new. This is where the separation is in successful and unsuccessful people.

Do you choose to waste that 9% thinking about Fortnite and partying on the weekends with your friends or are you going to use it to think about the goals you've set for yourself and think about plans to achieve them?

Your first step is this: Think about what you think about. Obviously you have so many that you can't think about them all, but take a mental note here and then and write down what you think about. Then when you start to notice thoughts that aren't serving you, replace them.

If you want to change your life, you HAVE to start with the 9%. Do Not give up on your goals, keep fighting for them. Now is your time to get back on track and stay on track. I believe in you, go do it.

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